Assigning Timesheets

After giving users permission to use the Timesheet, and creating Timesheet forms, an administrator must assign the Timesheet forms to groups of users.

security A user must have the Work > Timesheet > Allowed to Create and Assign Timesheet Forms permission to complete this process.


Group List

The bulk of the page is a list of an agency's security groups. Next to each group is an active Assign Group or Remove Group button.

Assign Group

Gives the security group access to the Timesheet form.

Remove Group

Remvoes the security group's ability to access the Timesheet form.

Show All

Show Assigned

Show Unassigned

Controls what groups appear in the Timesheet Manager. You can view all groups, groups assigned to the Timesheet form, or groups not assigned to the Timesheet form.


Closes the tool.


How to assign a group to a Timesheet form