Build A Filter

The Build A Filter enables users to create a filter one step at a time. The process begins by selecting the module, child module, or in some cases parent module on which to base the filter. Then, the user chooses the field to apply the filter to and the condition the filter should use to base its results (ie =, >, <, etc...). Finally, the user enters the factor he or she wants the filter to identify. Multiple fields can be filtered at once.

basic filter builder


Displays the number of records found by the filter the user is building.

View SQL

Displays the SQL statement represented by the selections in the Build A Filter.


Converts the filter to an Advanced filter and opens the Advanced Filter Editor.


Stores the filter for future use. (This button appears only when editing a previously saved filter.)

Save As

Stores the filter for future use while setting the name of the filter.


Executes the filter.


How to use the Build A Filter


Additional Information