Special Fields

The Import and Update program uses a variety of field types. Each field type features a unique format, functionality and requirements.

Picklist Fields

Picklist fields are made up of two fields. One field stores the Code *_CD and the other stores the Type *_TY. When mapping to these fields:

Linking\Associating Records

It is possible when importing to link\associate the imported records to other records in Lucity.

Document Linking Fields

The Import and Update program supports linking documents to records but will not upload them to the document hive. These documents already need to be in their final location before the Import is run. This final location does not have to be in the document hive, but the document server will need access to that location if those documents should be accessible to your web and mobile users.

Importing documents is done on the mapping tab using the DocumentPath and DocumentDescription properties in the Destination grid. You use these two fields to fill out the path to the document and the description that will be used in Lucity. If your import contains the path to the document in one field and the file name in another field you will need to use a formula to combine them into the DocumentPath property.

Reserved Words

A reserved word automatically updates your import with a value set elsewhere. For documents there are several reserved words you can use to automatically fill out part of your document path.


Automatically enters the path for the document server. This is taken from the Lucity Web > Admin Portal > Settings > System Settings > Documents > Path where uploaded documents are stored (Internal)(Document Hive) setting.


Automatically enters the path for your data source. This is useful when your data and images are stored together in the same location and will stay there.


When a user begins an import they will be prompted the location of their documents.

Note: In all of these configurations all documents must be in the same location.


How to use the DocumentServerHive reserved word

How to use the DataSourcePath reserved word

How to use the %PromptForDocumentDirectory% reserved word

Processing Fields

The import and update has the ability to track records processed and skip records. The following fields are special fields tied to those configurations.


A field that uniquely identifies the imported records. The import/update template will track which records have been updated based on this field. This must be mapped when the the Track Processed Records flag on the General tab is checked.

More information bout how to track processed records.


A field that helps the program decide if it should process a record or not. If data is mapped to this field and that is resolved as a non-blank value the program will skip processing that record.

More information about how to skip records during processing.