Resources Grid

The Resources grid allows you to associate resources with any tasks in Task grid. If you enter a task that has resources associated with it (in the Work Flow Setup Tasks module), those resources will be automatically populated in the Resources grid. Once you add resources to the grid, you can group them by number. You can also populate employee/equipment hours and the amount of materials used to complete a task without opening the resource record.

You can sort items in this grid by clicking on the headings at the top of the grid. An up or down arrow will appear signifying ascending or descending order. Click the heading again to change the direction.

Resource Grid

Below is a list of fields in the Resources grid that have additional functions.

Field Name

Special Function(s)

UPC Code

If the Resource Type is Material or Fluid users can type in a UPC Code instead of the Resource code. This will automatically fill in the Resource code.

Note: This requires that there is a Material or Fluid that is linked to an Part Inventory record that has the Barcode field filed out. UPC Code = Barcode.

Account #

If you have the "Populate WO Acct# from Main Task #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically be populated with the same default account number as the task selected in the Main Task field.

Also, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Task Acct #  with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Account Number field in the Tasks grid in the work order. Or, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Resource Acct # with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Account Number field in the Resources grid in the work order.

Note: If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the account # field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. Click on the field caption to receive directions for attaching an account # to a grayed out field. This is not a required field.

Proj No- Acct

If you have the "Populate WO Acct# from Main Task #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically be populated with the same default project number account as the task selected in the Main Task field.

Also, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Task Acct #  with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Project Number Account field in the Tasks grid in the work order. Or, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Resource Acct # with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Project Number Account  field in the Resources grid in the work order.

Note: If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the Proj No - Acct field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. Click on the field caption to receive directions for attaching a Proj No - Acct to a grayed out field. This is not a required field.

Res Start Date and End Date Fields

These fields allow you to enter the date the resource started being used and the date the use ended.

Note: If the Work Options Populate Resource Dates from Task Dates option is set at 'yes', then these fields will automatically be populated with the start and end dates from the Tasks grid.

If the resource is already scheduled on another work order for the same period of time, you'll receive one of the two following prompts:

  • It can look like this when you have an option to cancel:

Already Scheduled Prompt

  • Or, it may look like this when only a warning is provided:

Prompt 2

Note: These prompts only appear if you schedule a resource for today's date or dates in the future. If you are scheduling a resource for work on dates in the past, these prompts will not appear. To turn the prompts on or off, consult the Work Options (WO General Options, topic, "Disable Resource Availability Checking".

Cost Markup

This is the sum of the Total Cost Markup fields on all records in the Cost Markup grid. This is included in the Total:Total Cost field.

Note: Cost markup only works with the fields in the Norm column.

Default Unit Cost

How much the resource normally costs per unit. Read-only

  • This is filled out automatically from the Resource's Work Flow Setup record.
  • Material and Fluid resources that are linked to the parts inventory will have this filled automatically updated from the Part records unit cost.

Override Unit Cost

Allows the user to enter a cost that is different than the Default Unit Cost.

Unit Cost

How much the resource costs per unit.

Automatically filled out by the Override Unit Cost or the Default Unit Cost if the Override Unit Cost is blank.

In This Section

How To Add a Resource

Shared Fields

Special Functions

Time Cost and Unit Fields

Cost Markup Grid

How To View, Edit or Add a Resource

How To Add Multiple Resources at Once

How To Copy Selected Resources to Tasks

How To Group Selected Resources

How To Populate Hours for Multiple Employees or Equipment

How To Populate Material Units

How To Populate Dates for Resources

Dispersing Parts

Material Requisition

How To Add a Part Warranty to a Vehicle