The Follow-Up Date in the Request determines when the problem is overdue. When a Problem is selected on the request the Problem Setup record's Overdue Days field is used in the following calculation.
Request Creation Date + Problem Setup Overdue Days = Request Followup Date
Once the current date is past the calculated Follow-up Date the request is considered overdue.
The overdue notification is always sent to the email address for the request's assigned supervisor, but can be sent to additional recipients based on the settings in the System Configuration > Notifications module.
The Overdue Notification field in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup module is where you specify which email notification will be automatically sent when the request is considered overdue.
Overdue notifications are processed on the server each night by the Lucity Services > Nightly Tasks. The system will check the request follw-up date at that time and determine if the request is overdue and will send a notification accordingly. This is done every night so every night that the request is considered overdue the notification will go out.
The SMTP Setup must be completed for the system to send out the emails.
Most Request notifications can be overridden in the Request by checking the corresponding override button. This must be done before the request is saved or the notification is scheduled to be sent, otherwise the notification is sent automatically.
Lucity enables agencies to automatically send email notifications to the customer who made a Request, as well as tothe employee responsible for supervising the work. The following fields, when enabled, allow a user to block such communications for a specific Request.
Override Supervisor
Prevents the system from sending the Supervisor Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Supervisor Notification at the point at which a user selects the Supervisor on the Request and the record is then saved.
Override Problem Notif
Prevents the system from sending the Problem Notifications for this Request. By default, the system sends the Problem Notification at the point at which a user selects the Problem on the Request and the record is then saved.
Override Overdue
Prevents the system from sending the Overdue Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Overdue Notification to the designated Supervisor when the current date is past the Follow-up Date.
An agency can disable all Overdue notifications by enabling the Disable Request Overdue Notifications option.
Override Thank You
Prevents the system from sending the Customer Thank You Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Customer Thank You Notification when a new Request is saved for the first time.
Override Customer Compl
Prevents the system from sending the Customer Completed Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Customer CompletedNotification to the Customer when the Request is closed.
Override WO Status
Prevents the system from sending the Work Order Status Notification to the requestors listed on this Request. When configured, the system will send a notification to the requestor when the related work order's status changes.
Note: When any of these check boxes are marked, the system will NOT send the corresponding notifications. Work Notifications may also be overridden in the Work Ordermodule.
How To Setup a Problem To Generate an Overdue Notification