Web Performance

Web Performance allows users to adjust system settings for better web performance.



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Allow Animations to run inside of the website

When False, animations are disabled in Lucity Web. This may be helpful for some presentations or for users running apps through remote desktop or webex.

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Enable PreCheck On Inline Editing Saves

When True, the server will be called for each edited record in a grid prior to the final save to test that every record will probably save without errors. Enabling this feature may let users know, in some cases, that one or more records within a batch of records is not going to save successfully, but the other records will. Enabling this feature also slows down the application response time.

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Exclude Desktop Records in Add Mode (When TRUE, queries will be slower)

When enabled, EAM Web runs special queries so that grids do not display records that are in the process of being added to the Desktop. When disabled, such records appear in Web grids as blank records. Disabling this option improves performance.

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Max # of Pages on PDF Crystal Reports (to reduce performance impact on server)

Controls the maximum number of pages a pdf web report will generate. The higher the more load is placed on the server.

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Minimum number of minutes a user may set for their dashboard refresh rate

This value determines the minimum value that a user can enter for their dashboard refresh rate. Small values such as 1 minute, or anything less that 10 minutes, are discouraged by Lucity until you have measured the performance impact of frequent refreshes on the daily operations of the web applications.

Default: 10

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Persist changes to page size in ListView

Allows users to save their current page size as a personal customization. This setting does not apply to the WebCitizen system.

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The maximum number of Tasks to load into the Background Tasks User Interface in the Web

This value determines the maximum number of records that will be returned from the LTasks table showing the history of tasks that have run. It is also used for the Application Activity Log pulling data from the LACTIVITYLOG table. Setting this value too large, like 1 million records, may harm the web app performance for all users.

Default: 20000

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The number of minutes for the REST API to cache business objects

How long the rest api should hold on to business objects

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The number of minutes until a dashboard report should be refreshed

Establishes the number of minutes between Dashboard report refreshes. (Default value = 240 minutes)

Reports that appear on the dashboard are not updated every time the user refreshes the dashboard. Once a report file is generated the dashboard will continue to show the same file every time the dashboard is refreshed until the file is older than the number of minutes set in this setting. Once the time limit is reached the report file will be re-generated with new data. This limitation saves 5 to 10 seconds of response time.

Note:   Users can always use the option located below the Dashboard PDF reports to immediately refresh a report on demand.

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