
Views control how Lucity data is structured or displayed on screen. A View can either show all of the records in a single module or a limited set of records for a module (based on a preset filter). Views can be launched from the Modules tab, the Menu tab, or from a dashboard plug-in.

For more information, refer to Application Tabs and View Selector.

View Components


Appears above grid. Tools appear only if they are available for this grid, the user has proper permissions, and the administrator has activated the tools.


Each View contains one or more grids, which display records for the module.

Opening Views

Views can be accessed through:

  • The Dashboard - When a record is selected on the Dashboard, the system launches a user-defined view or the default view.
  • The Open New View tool - Click on the next to the application tabs to select a module to open from the Modules list, the Menu, their Favorites, or their Recent modules. Selecting a module here opens the related default view.
  • A Tool or another View - When users launch a view from a tool or attempt to view a related record in another module, the program asks the user which View to display.