
Allow Alt Description After Resource

Only applies to Desktop

Lets users add an alternative description for a Work Order Resource and changes the <Tab> order to:

  1. Resource field
  2. Alt Description field
  3. Normal Units field (if it is 0 or null)

If No is selected, the <Tab> order is:

  1. Resource field
  2. Normal Units field (if it is 0 or null)

Delete Unused Employees and Equipment on Closed Work Orders

Causes EAM's nightly tasks to delete work resources (employees, equipment, contractors, materials, fluids) when the following conditions are met:

  • Work Order Status = 999
  • Work Resource has no Units, Comments, Descriptions, or Meter readings.

This helps to remove extra resource records that were never filled out and were added accidentally by a user or automatically via a PM.

Note:  This will only process the resources for 50 work orders on a given night.

More information about nightly tasks

Disable Resource Availability Checking

Disables the function that checks whether a Work Order Resource is scheduled for the same time period on separate work orders.

More information on Resource Availability Checking

Integrate Fleet Warranty with WO Resources


Simplifies the process of adding new warranties to Fleet assets. This control is useful when a user replaces a part on a vehicle with a new part that has a warranty.

For this to work:

  • The option must be enabled.
  • Find the Work Flow Setup > Material record for the part and fill out the Warranty Length or Warranty Distance field.
  • Add the material to the Work Order as a Resource and set the End Date.
  • Right-click on the asset record and select Add Part Warranty to Vehicle.
  • The system will automatically create a Fleet Warranty record based on the End Date and the Warranty Length or Warranty Distance. This warranty is then associated to the Fleet asset.

Max Past Days for Fueling Readings on Close WO

Related to the Use Fleet Readings from Fuelings option. This indicates the maximum number of days in the past the program will accept the vehicle's odometer reading as current when filling out the Work Order > Asset's odometer reading.

The asset records odometer is only updated if the following are true:

  • Fleet Current Date is more recent than Today's Date - [# of days specified in the setting].
  • Fleet Current Date - [# of days specified in the setting] is more recent than Today's Date.

Populate Empty WO Resource Account Number with Task

Copies the data from the Account Number and Project Number fields on the Work Task record to the Account Number and Project Number fields on the resource record (employees, equipment, contractors, materials, fluids).

  • The system will not overwrite an existing value in the task's fields.

Populate Resources from Crew

Adds resource records(employees, equipment, contractors, materials, fluids) to the work order task based on the task record's Task Crew.

Populate Resources from Lead Worker

Automatically adds the work order's Lead Worker as an Employee record to every Task that is in the Work Order > Task grid. This only happens when the task's Status < 950 and the Leadworker field is updated.

Prevent Duplicate Resources on Add Multiple

Stops a resource from being added to a Work Order more than once when using the Add Multiple Tools.

Use Fleet Readings from Fuelings on Close WO

Applies the Current Odometer reading from a Fleet record to the related work order asset record. This makes sure the odometer reading is filled out on all Work Order Asset records for Fleet vehicles which in turn makes sure that any related PMs will get reset.

  • This happens when the work order's Status is set to > 949 and:
  • The work order has a single fleet record added to the Asset grid.
  • The asset record's Odometer field is blank
  • The fleet record's Current Date is within the range of time set by the Max Past Days for Fueling Readings on Close WO work option.