
Always use Parts Default Location

Determines how the Parts Inventory disburses items to work orders. When enabled, the system assumes that the parts should be procured from the default location or from a mobile warehouse attached to the work order.

More information about controlling Part disbursal location

Comma Delim list of UserIds that should not trigger disp/ret notif

Specifies which users should not trigger dispersal/return notifications when they disperse or return a part. To enable this option, supply a comma-delimited list of EAM UserIDs (login IDs).

More information about Disbursal/Return Notifications

Default Transaction Account Number from To Warehouse in Whse Transfer Tools

Populates the Account on toolkits in the Parts Inventory and Warehouse modules with an Account Number listed on the To Warehouse record.

More information about transferring Parts from Inventory to Warehouse

More information about transferring Parts between Warehouses

Default Warehouse When Adding New Parts (Warehouse ID)

Sets the default location for all new parts added into the Parts Inventory module.

More information about adding new Parts

Email address to send dispersal/return notifications

Specifies an email address to notify every time a part is dispersed or returned.

More information about Disbursal/Return Notifications

Force Dispersal from Mobile Warehouses

Determines how the Parts Inventory disperses items to work orders. When enabled, the software assumes that parts should only be procured from the mobile warehouses attached to the work order.


  • A mobile warehouse is a part warehouse that is linked to a work order Equipment record. The Equipment associated with the warehouse must be added to the work order as a Resource.

  • This option modifies how the Send Parts to Work Order toolkit runs in the Material Requisitions module.

More information about controlling Part disbursal location

Integrate Work and Parts Inventory

Enables the link between the Work modules and the Parts modules. If this option is disabled, users cannot disperse Parts to work orders from the Inventory.

More information about the Work/Parts Integration

Make Vendor Part No the Default for Part Lookup

Determines how the system looks up parts in the Purchase Orders module, the PO Items dialog box in the Vendor module, or the Parts Inventory module.

  • Active - Users select a Vendor Part No from the picklist and the system enters the corresponding Part ID.
  • Inactive - Users select a Part ID from the picklist and the system enters the corresponding Vendor Part No. (if stored in the Vendor module).

More information about Parts

Prevent Negative Part Quantities

Prevents users from dispersing parts that are not in stock, which in turn prevents the parts inventory from tracking a negative quantity.

  • To prevent individual locations from going negative use the Prevent Negative Part Quantities at Locations option.

More information about preventing negative Part quantities

Prevent Negative Part Quantities at Locations

Prevents users from dispersing parts from a location that are not in stock at that location, which in turn prevents the parts inventory location from tracking a negative quantity.

  • To prevent the total quantity for the part to never go negative use the Prevent Negative Part Quantities option.

More information about preventing negative Part quantities

Use Part Open Inventory Date Range

Limits users to disbursing parts only if the work order occurs during a parts valid date range.

More information about controlling Part Disbursal by Date

Use Parts Warehouse Security

Enables the Security tab in the Warehouse module, which is used to control which users can access specific warehouses.

Enables administrators to control which warehouses each employee can have access to for disbursing parts or doing other work.

Example:  A sewer employee can only disburse parts from the Sewer warehouse.

More information about Warehouse Security