User Pane

The User Pane, which is accessed by clicking on the user name in the top-right corner of the screen, provides options and tools for both users and administrators.

User information

User's Name

Shows the user's last and first names.

User's Email Address

Displays the current user's email address, which is established in the Lock and key icon Security program.

Default Group

Indicates the Default Rules Group to which the user is assigned. Some application elements display differently based on this group and the current settings.

Employee Code

Displays the employee code linked to the user's login, which is established in the Work Flow Setup > Employee module.

Login ID

Displays the username for the current user.

Troubleshooting Tools

Provides the following tools:

  • Send Server Logs - Enables the user to export Lucity server logs via email to an address he or she designates. This includes the logs for the Web app, Identity Server, Internal REST API, and Services. The system generates these emails, however, it does not indicate who the logs belong to; therefore, the logs should not be emailed directly to CentralSquare Support. (Instead, the user should send the logs to him or herself and then forward them to CentralSquare Support.)

    Lock and key icon This tool requires the Lucity Apps > Lucity Web > Email Rolling Log and Admin > Lucity App Admin > Run permissions.

    Note:  This does not work in Non-production clients (NPR licenses)

  • View Licenses in Use - Lists the licenses that the current user is using. (Does not appear if an agency uses ELA or Name User Licenses)
  • Clear Local Preferences - Clears out any saved preferences/settings for all Lucity web users on this computer. Includes colors, fonts, recent modules, etc...
  • Clear Session Caches - Clears Lucity information out of the browser cache.

Note:  The application checks every 6 seconds for pending user-triggered background tasks like these.


Closes the User Pane.

User Controls

Change Password*

Enables the user to change their Lucity/EAM password.

Note:  This option only appears if the user is logged in using application authentication (not Windows authentication).


Enables a user to customize colors and font sizes for him/herself within the web application.

Lock and key icon This tool requires the Lucity Apps > Lucity Web > Change Default Application Colors permission.


Disconnects the user from the application and ends the session.