
A frame contains plug-ins that display information. Generally, frames are displayed in two columns on the dashboard; however, certain frames, especially those commonly used with reports, may span both columns.

  • One dashboard can contain multiple frames.
  • One frame can contain multiple plug-ins.
  • Each frame has several common elements:


Displays the name of the frame.

Show in Map. Appears in the frame when Plug-ins are present on the same dashboard tab or the Dashboard/Map Split Screen is open.

  • Once this button is toggled on the frame the program will attempt to open any data drills, quick lookups, and asset hierarchy trees in the webmap plug-in.
  • This only works for assets, work orders, and requests. If the Dashboard/Map Split Screen is open assets will only work if asset layers are in the map.

Checks the system for updates and refreshes the frame contents.


Performs operations in order to display data below the frame's title bar.