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   Collapse Sewer Inspections
      Expand TV Inspection
      Expand Structure Inspections
      Expand PACP Pipe Inspections
      Collapse MACP Manhole Inspections
          MACP Header Data
          General Tab
          Cover/Frame Tab
          Chimney Down Tab
          Condition Ratings Tab
          Connections Tab
         Collapse Recommendations Tab
             Recommendations Grid
             Additional Work Needed Grid
          User Defined Tab
          Custom Tab
      Expand Line Lamping
      Expand Smoke Testing
      Expand Smoke Test Observations
      Expand Building Inspections
       Building Observations
      Expand Service Lateral Inspections
      Expand Flow Isolation
      Expand Pump Station Inspection
      Expand Pump Inspections
      Expand Inspection Setup
   Expand Sewer Readings
   Expand Overflows
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   Expand System Tools
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