Validate and Transfer

The Mobile program performs a secondary validate and transfer when the tablet/laptop is synched.  These validations are performed on nearly everything except work orders.  

Note:  There is no user interface for this validate and transfer.

The following validations are performed by the Mobile program:

  1. It validates that all required fields are filled out. 

    Note:  These are the fields required in order to save a record in Lucity.

  2. It validates that any required parent records exist.  For example, if you have televised a sewer pipe and are synching your TV Inspection record from the field, the Mobile Manager will check to see that the related Pipe Inventory record exists in Lucity.
  3. It validates that there are not two records within the same import file that violate uniqueness constraints.  

    Note:  These are the same uniqueness constraints as found in the Lucity unique fields.

There are fewer restrictions and requirements for the Mobile Manager validate and transfer program than the Automatic Validate and Transfer.  For example, if you import a TV Inspection record on December 1 at 2:00 P.M., and then, in a separate import file, another record on December 1 at 3:00 P.M. with the date included but no time, this validate and transfer will update the existing record. Alternatively, in the Automatic Validate and Transfer, that duplicate record would be rejected.

See Also

Mobile Desktop

Tablet Laptop Setup

Mobile Options

Login and Synch

Special Features

Handheld Devices