Custom Code Setup

The custom code setup process is similar to the regular code setup with a few extra steps. There are basically two parts to custom code setup: modifying the GBATVMap.mdb file, and adding defects/ratings to the Inspection Setup module.

This process is primarily designed to assist users who are importing PACP vendor codes. It allows you to correlate the type of data you collect in the field with the Lucity™ software; thus enabling you to import TV observation data from outside sources. This is a one-time process. After that, you will only need to perform these steps when making code changes. After completing the code setup, you can import your observations.

Note: Before you begin the code setup, you need to obtain a list of the defect codes used by the vendor.

In This Section

Part One

Part Two

See Also

External TV Import

Aries VC4000



Granite XP


Pipetech, Subcam, and WinCan