Clock Tab

This tab contains a table that lists all clock timing by event.  A sample of the table appears below.  The Event number is listed in the far-left column.  The row to its right contains all timing attributes associated with that event.  You can sort the records by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (circled in red below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.

Clock Grid

  1. There are two ways to access the records:
  2. Once you access the record you will see something similar to the following:

    Time Clock Event

  3. Below the Event number you can see all associated time clock attributes in numerical format.  There is also a text-field for additional description of the event.

Additionally, the Clock tab provides a Time Clock Comment text-field.  This field allows you to enter additional notes.  While in Add or Edit mode, place your cursor in the grid and begin typing.  This field has copy/paste abilities, carriage returns <Ctrl + Enter>, and a spell checker that when turned on will underline misspelled words as you type.

See Also

Controller Inventory

Controller Header Data

Attributes Tab

Signals Tab

Construction Tab

Timing Tab

Sequence Tab

Overlap Tab

Initialization Tab

Detectors Tab

Preemptor Tab

Lead Lag Coordination Tab

Cycle Tab

Force Off Tab

Permissives Tab

Service Plan Tab

Custom and Comments