Appraisal Scenario for the Trunk Formula Method

The tree in this example is a 16 in. (41 cm) diameter Sugar Maple.  This tree shades the landscaped back yard of a recently built home in an upscale residential neighborhood.  The following ratings were used to appraise the value of this tree:

  1. Species 80%
  2. Condition (structure, health)
  3. Location

The replacement tree cost of a 4 in. tree is $600.  The installation cost is $1,400. The unit tree cost is $46 per square inch ($600/13 = $46 per square inch, or as set by the regional committee).

Trunk Form Value: $6,400

Note:  The figures in this example correspond to the color-coded Valuation tab above.

See Also

Valuation Tab

Replacement Cost Method

Appraisal Scenario for Replacement Cost Method

Trunk Formula Valuation Method