Meter Calibration Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify each distribution meter calibration. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Device Number **

This field specifies which meter device the calibration was performed on. Click the field caption or click in the field and push F9 for a list of all meter devices from the Distribution Meter Device Inventory.

Serial Number

The meter device's serial number will be automatically entered by the system when the Device Number is filled out. If the Serial Number is not included in the Meter Device Inventory module, this field will remain blank.

Date Calibrated **

This is the date that the meter calibration occurred.

* Required

* All marked fields must form a unique combination

See Also

Meter Calibration

Attributes Tab

Volumetric Method Tab

Calibrated Method Initial & Repaired Tabs

Custom and Comments