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Meter Status History Record

The Status grid allows you to track the status history, such as when the service was turned on or off at that location. When you add a new Status record to this grid, the system will automatically update the Operating Status field on the Attributes tab. Similarly, anytime you change or designate the Operating Status on the Attributes tab, the system will automatically add a new Status record to this grid.

To add a record to the Meter Status History grid, complete the following steps:

  1. Right click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

  2. Enter a date in the Status Date field. This is a required field.
  3. Select the operating status.
  4. Enter any additional data. The Modified By and Modified Date fields are automatically populated.
  5. Click to save the record.
  6. Click to close the window.

Edit or View a Record

To edit or view a record in the Meter Status History grid, right click on the record and select Edit Record or View Record.

See Also

Location/Status Tab

Meter Location History Record

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