Other Equipment Tab

Note: The Other Equipment tab is only accessible if you own the Equipment program and you have the Integration w/ Equipment option turned on. Consult the Water Options topic for more information. In order to add records to this tab, and to have equipment carried over from the Building record, the Alt Bldg No field in the Location tab must be populated.

This read-only grid lists all the equipment that is associated with the building the storage facility resides in. You can view an equipment inventory record from this grid by Right-clicking on the record and selecting View Record. This will open the record in the Equipment program.

While items of equipment that are linked to the associated building are automatically entered by the system, you can also add an equipment link directly from this grid.  Follow the steps below to add an equipment link directly to the storage facility in this record.

  1. Associate a Building with the Storage Facility via the Attributes tab. This is required to manually attach Equipment to the Storage Facility.
  2. Right-click in the grid and select Add Equipment Link.  The following window will appear:

    equipment link

  3. Select and Equipment ID from the pick list by pressing F9 or clicking on the caption button.  This is a required field.
  4. Click to save the record.
  5. Click to close the window.

You can then use the functions in the grid to edit the equipment records or remove an attached equipment link. All items of equipment added via this grid will automatically be associated with the Building identified on the Attributes tab.

See Also

Storage Facilities

Storage Facilities Header Data

Attributes Tab

Location Tab

Elevated Tab

Ground Level Tab

Construction Tab

Inspections/Associations Tab


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