Equipment Tab

The Equipment Tab is only accessible if you have the Equipment program. This grid allows you to link equipment pieces with the pump. You can then view those equipment records by Right-clicking on the record and selecting View Record. This will open the record in the Equipment program.

Important: The Integration w/ Equipment option (in Water Options) must be turned on before you can link equipment in this grid.

Then whenever the pump is installed in a pump station that is linked with the Facility module via the Alt. Bldg No. field, the linked equipment will carry over to the Equipment grid in the Pump Station Inventory record.

Linking Equipment to Pump

To link a piece of equipment with a pump, complete the following steps:

  1. Associate a Building with the Pump via the Attributes tab. This is required to manually attach Equipment to the Pump.
  2. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Linking Pump Equip

  3. Press F9 and select a piece of equipment from the pick list. The Equipment ID Description field will be automatically populated based on the equipment ID you picked. .
  4. Click to save the record.
  5. Click to close the window.

    Note: All items of equipment added via this grid will automatically be associated with the Building identified on the Attributes tab.

See Also


Water Pump Header Data

Attributes Tab

Pump Curve Tab

Motor and Seal Tab

Plates Tab

Status Tab

Location Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab

Purch/Warr Tab

Construction Tab


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