Replacing a Pump

The replace a pump option allows you to uninstall the existing pump and replace it with another.

To replace a pump, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the record and select Replace Pump. This will open the uninstall window.
  2. Enter the date the current pump was uninstalled.
  3. Enter the meter reading at the time the pump was uninstalled.

    Note: The Action field is automatically populated.

  4. Click to save the record.
  5. Click to close the window. Once the uninstall window is closed, the install window will automatically open.
  6. Enter the date the new pump was installed.
  7. Enter the meter reading at the time of the install.

    Note: The Action field is automatically populated.

  8. Click to save the record.
  9. Click to close the window.

    Note: After a pump is removed from a pump station, the pump’s inventory record is considered a “history record” and can be viewed by clicking the Relationship button on the module toolbar.

See Also

Pumps Tab

Pump Locations Grid

Adding a Pump Location Record

Installing a Pump

Uninstalling a Pump

Create Pump Inspection Record

Create Pump Readings Record

Location History Grid