Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab stores manufacturer, location, and installation information for the AMR. You can record GPS data, elevation information, and X/Y coordinates. You are not required to record GPS coordinate data in these fields, particularly if you use a geodatabase to maintain this information.  These fields are only provided for your convenience.  Other fields related to maps and drawings are available for your specific documentation needs.  For further location description, a text-field is also provided. In addition, one field in this tab has a special function. This field is described below:

Field Name

Special Function

Operating Status

This field displays the operating status for the AMR (i.e. on-off, opened-closed). When you enter a status code and description in this field, a new record will automatically be added to the Location/Status tab. Also, when the status is changed via the Location/Status tab, this field will be automatically updated to reflect the change.

See Also

Automated Meter Reader (AMR)

AMR Header Data

Location/Status Tab

Meters/Associations Tab

Construction Tab


Inspections Tab

Custom and Comments