Meter Location History Record

To add a record to the Meter Location History grid, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Note: The Add Record function is disabled if the device is not currently installed in a meter location. Consult the Meter Location help guide for additional information on installing devices.

    Reading and Location Hist

  2. The Meter Location No and corresponding Building No and Location fields will be automatically populated by the system. These fields reflect the meter location in which the device is currently installed.
  3. Enter a date in the Effective Date field.
  4. Enter any meter readings.
  5. Select the Purpose of the record from the pick list.

    Note: Only "3 - Meter Reading" and custom Purpose codes are valid selections. You will not be able to save the record with a Purpose code of 1 or 2.

  6. The Last Modified By and the Last Modified Date field are automatically populated.
  7. Click to save the record.
  8. Click to close the window.

Edit or View a Record

To edit or view a record in the Meter Location History grid, Right-click on the record and select Edit Record or View Record.

See Also

Location/Status Tab

Meter Status History Record