Pipe Info Tab

The Pipe Info tab stores information about the water main, the utility service pipe (line from main to meter), the consumer service pipe (line from meter to consumer), and Pig Tails associated with the service tap. For both the utility service pipe and consumer service pipe, you can document the pipes' diameter, material, and pipe depth. For the Pig Tail, you can record the pig tail's diameter, material, and depth.

To associate your service tap with a pipe from Pipe Inventory, click on the Pipe Number button in the Water Main grid or press F9 with your cursor in that field. You'll see a list of available pipes. Select a pipe from the pick list and the corresponding material, diameter, and depth will be carried over from the Pipe Inventory record.

See Also

Service Taps Inventory

Water Service Tap Header Data

Attributes Tab

Location Tab

Main/Tap/Meter Ties Tab

Parts/Activities Tab


Custom and Comments