Importing from Scratch

To access the Import program, select Storm > Import/Export > Import and the following window will appear:

Storm Import

  1. Click  next to the Source ASCII field and select a source file from the pop-up window.
  2. Click . The file will then appear in the Source ASCII field.
  3. Click to preview the file.
  4. Select a delimiter from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click next to the Destination folder field and select a destination folder from the pop-up window.
  6. Select the database table to use by clicking on a selection in the Database Tables grid at the bottom left of the window. This tells the program which table to put the data in when importing.

    Note: You can save the import you created as a pre-defined import by clicking "Save As". The import will then be added to the list in the upper right corner of the window.

  7. Click to continue the import process. A screen similar to the following will appear:

    Storm Import Table

When importing data from an outside source to an existing database, you must configure the data. The Import Table window (pictured above) allows you to do this by matching up fields from the Source Files with fields in the Destination Table and entering a mapping formula in the Formula/New Value column. This formula ensures that data will be transferred into the correct fields.

See Also


Assigning Formulated Values

Using Pre-Defined Imports