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Location History Grid

This grid automatically documents when a pump was installed or uninstalled from a slot; however, you can manually add a record as well. This is especially useful if you want to log meter readings for a pump.

To add a location history record, complete the following steps:

  1. Highlight the pump in the Pump Location grid.
  2. Right click in the Location History grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:\

    Loc History

    Note: The Slot Number and Pump Number fields are automatically populated with the data from the Pump Location grid.

  3. Enter the date. This is a required field.
  4. Enter a meter reading and/or select the action from the pick list.
  5. Add any notes in the Notes grid.
  6. Click to save the record.
  7. Click to close the window.

    Note: The Last Modified By and Modified Date fields are automatically populated.

See Also

Pumps Tab

Pump Locations Grid

Adding a Pump Location Record

Installing a Pump

Uninstalling a Pump

Replacing a Pump

Create Pump Inspections

Create Pump Readings Record

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