Attributes Tab

The fields in the Attributes tab store general information for the station including station type, the maximum amount of flow the station is capable of holding, ownership, the party responsible for maintenance, and wet well data. Additional fields are provided allowing users to store mapping and location information. This tab also features a few fields with special functionality. These are described below:

Alt Bldg No

This field allows users to tie the pump station to a building in the Buildings module.

The Integration with the Facility storm option must be turned on for users to manually enter data in this field. For more information about Storm Options go here. If the Integration with Facility option is turned off or the agency does not own Facilities, the system will automatically populate this field if the Integration with Equipment option is enabled. Each Pump Station record added will be given the next sequential number and text, "Equipment Link", in this field. This creates a record in the Building table and allows users to add equipment to the Pump Station on the Other Equipment tab.

Note: If this field is populated, all equipment attached to the Pump Station and attached pumps will also appear in the Equipment tab of the associated record (in the Facility Building module). As well all equipment attached to the building will show up on the pump station record.

Building Name field

The field directly to the right of Alt Bldg No is automatically populated with the name of the selected building.

Rim Elevation field

Rim elevation data is carried over from the selected structure's inventory record and automatically populates this field. If this field was left empty in the structure's inventory record, then it will remain empty in the pump station record.

Street Name, Cross Street, and General Location fields

The street name, cross street, and general location data are carried over from the selected structure's inventory record and automatically populates this field. If this field was left empty in the structure's inventory record, then it will remain empty in the pump station record.

Note: These fields can only be edited in the Storm Structure Inventory module.

Cleaning Fields

Last Cleaning Date

Users enter the date that the asset was last cleaned. This is used to calculate the Next Cleaning Date.

Cleaning Freq

Enter a number for how often the asset should be cleaned. The amount of time this number represents is controlled by the Cleaning Freq Units.

Cleaning Freq Units

The amount of time represented by the number in the Cleaning Frequency. (ie: Weeks, Months, etc...) Click the field caption button or press F9 for the pick-list.

Next Cleaning Date

Users can enter the next date that the asset should be cleaned. If the Last Cleaning Date, Cleaning Freq, and Cleaning Freq Units fields are filled out, this will auto-calculate.

See Also

Pump Station Inventory

Storm Pump Station Header Data

Pumps Tab

Costs Tab

Construction Tab

Plates Tab

Other Equipment Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab


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