Field Mapping

Below is a grid displaying where imported data is stored in the Lucity™ software. In other words, what fields the data is imported into. Some data from the inspection may not be used in the Lucity™ software.

Note: All images and movies are attached as documents to the inspection or observation. These files must be manually copied to their destination directory.

Imported Inspection/Survey Data

 (goes into)

These Fields in Lucity


Structure Inventory Street Address fields

Pipe Size

Pipe Inventory Diameter field

Pipe Material

Pipe Inventory Material field

WO Date

TV Inspection Date field


TV Inspection Crew field


TV Inspection Percent Full field

VCR Tape

TV Inspection Tape ID field


TV Inspection User 1 field

WO Number

TV Inspection Other Maint. Prior field

Tape Start

TV Inspection Counter Start field


TV Inspection User 5 field

Comment fields

TV Inspection Comments tab




Imported Observation Data

(goes into)

These Fields in Lucity


TV Observation Max Observation Length field


TV Observation VCR Counter field

At Clock

TV Observation Start Clock

To Clock

TV Observation End Clock

SEC Loss/Percent

TV Observation Percent Loss field


TV Observation Lateral Diameter field


TV Observation Comments tab


If WRC is used, then the Location, Defect, and Rating fields (TV Observation) are obtained from the code matrix.

If WRC is NOT used, then the matrix is not used and the defect is assigned the description of the defect. These defect descriptions should already exist in the code list in the desktop.

The TV Observation Rating is assigned from the left most character in the Observ field (L= Rating 2, M= Rating 3, S or H= Rating 5). If the rating does not match any of these, the value is placed in the TV Observation User 5 field and the Lateral Location field.


See Also


Code Setup


Validate and Transfer