Field Mapping

Below is a grid displaying where imported data is stored in the Lucity™ software (i.e. what fields the data is imported into). Some data from the inspection may not be used in the Lucity™ software.

Note: All images and movies are attached as documents to the inspection or observation. These files must be manually copied to their destination directory.

Imported Inspection/Survey Data

(goes into)

These Fields in Lucity


Upstream Manhole Depth

Manhole (Structure) Inventory depth

Downstream Manhole Depth

Manhole (Structure) Inventory depth

Pipe Size

Sewer Pipe Inventory Pipe Diameter

Joint Length

Sewer Pipe Inventory Pipe Section Length


Sewer Pipe Inventory Location field

Project Number

Sewer Pipe Inventory Project Number field


Sewer TV Inspection Crew field


Sewer TV Inspection Weather field


TV Inspection Comments tab

Maintenance Prior

TV Inspection Other Maint. Prior field

Inspection Type

TV Inspection Purpose field

Tape Number

TV Inspection Tape ID Number field

MH to MH Footage

TV Inspection Max Observed Length (Summary tab)

Record ID

TV Inspection User 4


TV Inspection User 5




Imported Observation Data

(goes into)

These Fields in Lucity


TV Observation Location field

*If the location is a clock position, it is also placed in the TV Observation Start Clock and End Clock fields.


TV Observation VCR Counter


If this is "GO," it is assumed to be the start of the survey and a US or DS Manhole is placed in the TV Observation Defect field.

Otherwise, the Lucity code is looked up in the Aries Code Matrix available under the TV Code Setup. Based on the values looked up in this matrix, both the Defect and the Location fields will be populated. Additionally if there is another parameter with the defect, it is placed in the TV Observation User 5 field.


TV Observation Rating field


TV Observation Comments tab

See Also

Aries VC4000

Code Setup


Validate and Transfer