Investigation Tab

The Investigation fields allow you to record when the SSO was investigated, who performed the investigation, and the primary and secondary causes of the SSO. You can also identify the sewer structure where the SSO occurred, the pipe responsible for the SSO, or the service lateral connected to the SSO. The two grids at the bottom were designed for additional incident descriptions and the responses; however, you can customize these grids to fit your needs. Other fields with unique functions are listed below.

Field Names

Special Functions


This field allows you to select an Overflow Investigator from the pick list. This list comes from the corresponding Overflow Investigator module. Once you select an Investigator, the system will automatically fill in the associated Investigator Phone Number.

Est. GPM field

The Estimated GPM  field lets you enter the estimated gallons per minute expelled by the SSO.

Est. Minutes fields

The Estimated Minutes field is automatically populated with the estimated time (in minutes) in which the SSO was observed.  This information is based on the Overflow Start and Overflow End date/time fields in the Info Receipt tab.  

Note: If the start and end date fields are not populated, this field will remain empty allowing you to manually enter a value.

Est. Gallons field

The Estimated Gallons field is calculated based on the values in the Est. GPM field and the Est. Minutes field (i.e. this field multiplies the estimated number of gallons per minute by the amount of time spent observing the SSO).

Total of Est. field

The Total of Estimated Gallons field is calculated based on the values in the Est. Gallons field and the Gal. Recovered field found in the Cleanup/WO tab (i.e. this field subtracts the recovered gallons amount from the overall total of estimated gallons displaced by the SSO).  

Note: Although this field is automatically populated, it can be modified.

See Also


Overflow Header Data

Info Receipt Tab

Cleanup Tab

Affected Assets 1 Tab

Affected Assets 2 Tab

Review Tab

Notification Tab

Req/WO Tab

Custom and Comments