User Validated

The user can edit all fields in the Verification tab whether or not the accident data has been validated by the system.  You can change the Street and Node IDs by selecting IDs from the pick lists.  A change in ID will alter the corresponding street name and end point fields as well as the intersection diagram.  Additionally, the user can change the location from intersection to midblock and change the collision diagram field to reflect the type of accident that occurred.  Data in other tabs can be edited as well, and may change the fields in the Verification tab.

If the changes made by the user allow the system to assign the accident to an intersection or segment, this accident will be validated by the system.  Upon save, the Validation field will read "User Validated".  If, however, the changes made by the user cannot be verified by the system, the Validation field will read "Unvalidated".  Similarly, if the changes made by the user make the Collision diagram inaccurate or impossible to determine, the Collision Diagram field will read "Invalid".

We recommend that changes be made to the Verification tab only if the user is certain that they reflect accurate information. If the information in this tab is inaccurate, unvalidated, or invalid, the system will be unable to create a collision diagram. Additionally, if the information is unvalidated or invalid, the system will not be able to accurately track accident data in order to make recommendations for street improvements.  For accuracy reasons, changes can be made to the Verification tab only by a system administrator.

See Also

Verification Tab

System Validated