Factors Tab

This tab allows you to indicate road and weather factors that may have contributed to the accident.  Multiple user-defined, code-description fields are available for you to record light and weather conditions, pavement surface type and roadway conditions for both ON and AT streets, roadway characteristics (straight, curved, angle, etc.), and whether construction or maintenance was going on.  Additionally, you can indicate the types of traffic controls at the accident location and whether any roadway features were present (bridge, railroad crossing, ramp, etc.).  For the accident itself, you can use this tab to indicate the accident class (collision, non-collision, animal, pedestrian, etc.), the orientation of the accident (head-on, angle, etc.), and whether a fixed object was involved.  Finally, you can note the X and Y coordinates for the accident location.

Note: Two fields on this tab are used to determine the type of collision diagram created: Accident Class and Collision. It is important that these fields are entered accurately in order for the proper collision diagram to be identified on the Verification tab. For information on the collision diagram itself, see the Toolkit topic.

See Also

Data Management

Accidents Header Data

Accident Tab

Involvement Tab

Pedestrians/Witnesses Tab


Verification Tab
