Attributes Tab

This tab allows you to record basic information about your street segments.  Here, you can include information on the street segment's district, section, owner, city, type, travel direction, and speed limit.  In the fields provided at the bottom of the screen, you can record the street addresses for the from and to streets on the left and right sides of the street segment, as well as the shoulder width on both sides.  

Note:  If your system is integrated with GIS, the addresses in these fields should be listed in the direction that GIS is drawn, i.e. in ascending order From<To.

Additionally, several fields in this tab have special functions.  These fields are defined in the table below.

Field Name

Special Function


This field is a user-defined, code-description pick list.  It allows you to indicate the type of road or functional classification of this street segment (i.e. arterial, collector, or residential street).  

Note: The data in this field is shared with many modules in the Transportation system. This is an important field that helps the Model Runs determine how to deteriorate the segment.

Segment Lock

This check-box is used to lock a segment length if your system is integrated with GIS.  If this box is marked, the segment will not be recalculated in the GIS system.

Lane Length

This field is calculated automatically using the Length (from intersection to intersection) multiplied by the # of Lanes.  

Note:  You can override this calculation by entering other data in this field.

ADT Volume and Date


These fields record traffic volume data and are carried over from the most recent traffic count record.  For further information on traffic counts, please reference the Traffic Segments help guide.

Segment Rec ID

This ID is generated automatically by the system and cannot be edited by the user.  It is used to internally link records.

Street Number and Block Number

These are user-entered fields. The data in these fields is carried over to the related Subsegments and Field Inspections modules.

Subdivision 1 and 2

These two field are provided to help with querying on street segments in sub-divisions or areas. The first field is a numeric pop-up and the second is an alphanumeric pop-up. Both fields are user-defined.

Left Fields

Use these fields to indicate the low house address, high house address, and shoulder width on the left-hand side of the street.

Right Fields

Use these fields to indicate the low house address, high house address, and shoulder width on the right-hand side of the street.

Note: When using the Left and Right fields, we recommend using the following standard method of determining Left and Right sides of the segment. Segments running primarily West to East have the left side on the North half, whereas segments running primarily South to North have the left side as the West half.

See Also

Segment Network

Street Segment Header Data

Sub/Field Tab

Super/Con Tab






Traffic Counts


Right-of-Way (ROW)



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