Importing Street Segment Data

Many users will not enter street segments by hand due to the volume of information.  With extensive segment networks, it is easier for users to import data from a geodatabase.  In order for such information to be recognized by the Lucity system, the geodatabase must be properly set up and maintained.  If your street segment information is imported, segment and node IDs associated with the geodatabase will also be imported.  You can then use this module to update the segment attributes and track associations with other street assets.

Note: If your system is integrated with GIS, you may want to define and make changes to your Segment Network in the GIS system.  To ensure accuracy, the add button should be disabled, and the module should be used in Edit Mode only.  Similarly, if using a geodatabase to define your Segment Network, you may want to restrict certain fields.  See your system administrator for further details.

See Also

Street Segment Header Data

Inputting Street Segment Data by Hand