Server Synchronization Timing

The server synchronization timing fields allow you to setup you synchronization schedule and determine the size of your log file. Each field is defined below.

Server Synch Timing

Field Name


Check Interval

How often (in seconds) the server will check for mobile units that are attempting to synch.

Fail Check Interval

If the synchronization check fails (e.g. if the database is down), this is the number of seconds before the server will recheck for mobile units attempting to synch.

Log Rollover Size

The number of megabytes the synchronization log file is allowed to grow. When the log file exceeds this size it is deleted and starts over again. This log file is located at C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Lucity\LucitySynDB.log.

Down Period Start and Stop

During this specified time period the system will not check for any mobile unit synchronizations.

See Also

Mobile Options

DB Post Time

Synchronization User

Automatic Validate and Transfer

Work Order and Validate Database Location