Field Definitions

There are two ways to view field definitions. You can have them pop up automatically when your cursor is placed on that field, or you can manually retrieve them. You can also modify a field definition and lock a field definition. This is especially useful if you change a field caption.

With all new releases and most service packs, Lucity™ updates the standard field definitions to include more detail. These include explanations of purpose, definitions of terms or abbreviations, and calculations (as applicable). This helps you better understand the use and purpose of the fields. To replace your existing field definitions with recently updated Lucity definitions, follow this link.

In This Section



Modifying a Field Definition

Locking a Definition

Updating Field Definitions

See Also

Fields and Field Captions

Field Types

Field Properties

Modifying Code-Description Fields (Pick Lists)

Carry-Over Button

Field Captions

Global Edit

Tutorial Movies