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Code-Description Field Properties

If you open the Field Properties window for a code-description field, the following window will appear:

Code Description

  1. Notice the Definable in Code/Type List checkbox circled in blue above. This checkbox only appears when you are in code-description fields.
    • If the checkbox is marked, you can add, edit, or delete codes/descriptions in the pop-up lists.
    • If the checkbox is not marked, you can view the codes/descriptions, but you cannot modify them in any way.

      Note: The only exception is if those codes/descriptions are used for calculations in the module. Then the add, edit, and delete buttons will be grayed out even if the checkbox is marked.

  2. Notice the Mask setting circled in red above.  This allows you to change the number of characters allowed in a field. Each "n" in the Mask window represents a numeric digit. Changes do not take affect until all users have exited the module. This feature is not available for all numeric fields.
    • If you want to change the number of digits allowed in a field, change the amount of "n's" present in the Mask window. Example: nn.n  = 12.3  

      Note: The maximum number of digits before the decimal point is 11 (including the negative sign). The maximum number of digits after the decimal point is 4.

  3. If you want the ability to add a negative sign in front of a number, enter a negative sign in front of the first "n".

    Example: - nn.n

  4. Notice the AutoCalc feature circled in green above.  This allows you to include a custom calculation in a field.  This will be the default calculation.  The calculation will be made automatically upon saving a record.  You can enter an equation in the grid provided and use the button to check for accuracy.  You will receive a prompt informing you whether or not the calculation is valid.  

    Note:  Any calculated fields will be disabled or "grayed out" in the form.

    Note: The calculation function is not available in any of the child dialogs.

    Example: Users can enter something like this in the calculation field (this example is for Sewer Pipe Inventory):  [NT_DIA] / [NT_LENGTH].

    To properly enter a formula:

    • Make sure that all field names are enclosed in brackets.
    • Make sure that you are not including table names.
    • Make sure that you are not using fields from tables other than the currently displayed module.
    • Make sure that you are not on a record that may cause a division by 0.  If so, you should move to a different record and enter the formula again.

    The system will search through the user-defined formula and replace the field names with values from the current record.  For example, if the current record had NT_DIA = 8 and NT_LENGTH = 250, the system will return this expression:  8/250.

    Note: A tutorial movie is available for the Mask feature.

Warning: Use extreme caution when modifying a Mask. If you make a Mask smaller, all existing numeric field data may be lost.

See Also

Field Properties

Numeric Field Properties

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