Voltage Regulator Location

The Electric module provides you with several inventory modules to track your assets. The Voltage Regulator Location module allows you to record all locations in which Voltage Regulator Units are installed. Voltage Regulators provide voltage control where feeders of different lengths and load conditions are supplied from the same substation bus. Here, you can record the Voltage Regulator Location's attributes, specific location information, and associated Voltage Regulator Units, as well as view all work orders created for your assets.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

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To access the Voltage Regulator Location module, select Electric > Devices > Inventory > Voltage Regulator Location and the following window will appear.

Volt Reg Loc

In This Section

Volt Regulator Header Data




Custom and Comments

See Also

Device Inventory

Transformer Bank

Transformer Location

Transformer Unit

Voltage Regulator Unit

Open Point

Switch Location

Switch Unit

Street Light