Transformer Bank Inspection

The Electric module Transformer Bank Inspection module stores inspection data for your transformer banks. You can document the asset's condition, when it was inspected, and when the next inspection is due.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Transformer Bank Inspection module, select Electric > Devices > Inspections > Transformer Bank and the following window will appear.

Tran Bnk Insp

In This Section

Transformer Bank Insp Header


Custom and Comments

See Also

Device Inspections

Transformer Unit Inspection

Voltage Regulator Unit Inspection

Circuit Breaker Inspection

Recloser Unit Inspection

Sectionalizer Unit Inspection

Fault Interrupter Inspection

Fuse Unit Inspection

Switch Unit Inspection

Capacitor Bank Inspection

Capacitor Unit Inspection

Shunt Reactor Inspection

Street Light Inspection