Secondary Underground Line Segment

The Electric module provides you with several inventory modules to track your assets. The Secondary Underground Line Segment module allows you to document secondary cables or conductors found in underground electric systems. These are contained within conduits. Secondary lines are supplied by primary lines and originate at substations or transformers. You can record the line's attributes and associated features, as well as view all work orders created for your underground line inventory.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Secondary Underground Line Segment module, select Electric > Lines > Secondary Underground Line Segment and the following window will appear.

Secondary Line

In This Section

Secondary UGLS Header Data




Custom and Comments

See Also


Conduit Inventory

Primary Underground Line Segment

Primary Overhead Line Segment

Secondary Overhead Line Segment

Circuit Source

Bus Bar

Communication Cable