Additional Flushing Dates Grid

This grid allows you to record any additional dates on which the route was flushed. A sample of the grid appears below. You can sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow will appear indicating ascending or descending order. Click the heading again to change directions.


  1. To add additional flushing dates, Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Additional Flushing Dates

  2. Enter the name or initials of the individual that performed the flushing.
  3. Record the Date Flushed. This is required in order to save the record.

    Note: The most recent date on which the route was flushed will be displayed in the Last Date Flushed field on the Attributes tab.

  4. Record the Start and End Time of the flushing.
  5. The Time Flushed is automatically calculated by the system based on the Start and End Times; however, you can manually enter the time spent if desired.
  6. Record the Discharge Rate in the field provided.
  7. The Discharge Volume is automatically calculated by the system based on the Time Flushed and Discharge Rate; however, you can manually enter the Discharge Volume if desired.

    Note: The Discharge Volume contributes to the Total Volume displayed on the Attributes tab.

  8. Save and close the record. The right-click functions in the grid will allow you to view, edit, or delete the record.

See Also

Attributes Tab