Meter Device History Grid

The Meter Device History grid allows you to associate a single meter device with the meter set location. The read-only Device Number field above the grid automatically displays the currently associated meter device. When a device is removed from the meter location and no other device is installed, this field will remain blank.

To associate a meter device with a meter location, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Install Meter. The following window will appear:

    Reading and Device Hist

  2. Select a Device Number from the pick list. This is a required field. The Serial Number field is automatically populated with data from the Meter Device Inventory record.
  3. Enter an effective date. This is a required field.
  4. Enter any additional information - readings, notes, etc.
  5. The Purpose will be automatically entered by the system. This will reflect the action taken. For meter installations, the purpose will read "1 - Installed at Site".
  6. Click to save the record. The record will automatically close.

    Note: Once a meter has been installed at the location additional right-click functions will be enabled in the grid. Follow the links below for details.

In This Section

Remove Meter

Swap Meters

Add Meter Reading Record

See Also

Meter/AMR Readings Tab

Installed AMR Devices Grid

AMR History Grid