Attributes Tab

This tab allows you to record general information about the snow shoe in this record. You can record the manufacturer, model number, location, owner, installation date, size, excess cable, and trunk for the snow shoe in this record. Several fields in this tab have special functions. These are described in the table below:

Field Name


Sub Type Text

This field is automatically filled in if sub types are defined in the GIS system.

Note: You can only edit this field in the GIS geodatabase environment. If your system is not integrated with GIS, this field will not be available.

Default WO Cat

This field allows you to set up a default category for your asset. Multiple categories are available in the pick list. To view the categories, press F9 or click on the Default WO Cat button. When a work order is created, the default category and related asset information will be imported into the new work order record.

See Also

Snow Shoes

Snow Shoes Header Data

Construction Tab