Other Sources of Help

In Lucity Desktop

Field Captions

Hover the mouse pointer over a field in Lucity Desktop. If there is extra information about that field a popup will appear.


Clients Only Site - support.lucity.com

ACT Manuals

These manuals are from Lucity's annual user conference. They cover a variety of topics and typically work through the topic from start to finish.

Data Dictionaries

These dictionaries provide information about the Database structure and fields in the Lucity databases.

Release News

Information about the latest releases.

Service Pack Information

Information about the latest service pack.

Online discussion forums

This is a place to ask other Lucity users questions and share ideas regarding all aspects of the software suite. No account is required to view existing topics in the forum. However an account is required to reply to a post or start a new topic. To sign up for a forum account, click on the "Register" link at the top of the main discussion forum page or click on this link.



Asking Lucity for Help

We're happy to help. If you are having trouble with the program or can't find the information you are looking for Lucity provides several avenues to ask for support:

Online Help desk

Sign up for the Lucity Online Helpdesk when there are questions, and problems that you can't find an answer for. Emailing support@lucity.com will automatically enter a ticket into the help desk. You can send this email directly from Lucity Desktop by going to Help > E-Mail Lucity > Software Support.

Call in to Support

Give us a call at 1800-492-2468 x2

Request Information

You can email Lucity for Lucity Desktop to request specific information by going to Help > E-Mail Lucity > Information Request.



Other Help guides

Lucity Help Portal

The Lucity Help Portal provides links to all of the Lucity help guides.

See Also

Getting Help

Using This Help Guide

Ask Lucity for Help

FAQs about Functionality

Tutorial Movies