Enforcement Type Grid

The Enforcement Type grid allows you to record the type of enforcement actions taken against any individuals or businesses recorded in the Enforcement grid. Each enforcement type record can have both linked documents and individual comments recorded.

To add a record, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

  2. Enter the user-defined type of enforcement action taken in the Enforcement Type field.
  3. If an enforcement letter was sent by certified mail, record the certified mail number in the field provided.
  4. Indicate the monetary amount of the fine.
  5. Record the date the enforcement action was sent and the date on which the fine assessed is due.
  6. Mark the box when the enforcement action is completed (i.e. when payment has been received in full).
  7. A large text box is provided to record additional comments as necessary.
  8. Click to save the record.
  9. Click to escape Add Mode.
  10. Click to close the window.

See Also

Enforcement Tab

Enforcement Grid