Readings Tab

The Readings tab is where meter readings are recorded. You can enter a unique ID number for the reading if you wish to distinguish it from others. You can also indicate the purpose for this reading (e.g. routine reading, maintenance). Since each record displays the previous reading as well as the difference between the current and previous readings, you are required to enter the date of each reading.

The fields in this tab are described in the table below. Note that several of these fields have special functions:

Field Name


Previous Reading fields

These fields display the date/time, hour meter, and other meter readings from the most recent reading record. These fields are automatically filled in by the system.

Current Reading fields

Use these fields to enter the date/time, hour meter, and other meter readings for this reading record.

Note: The Current Reading Date is required in order to save the record.


These fields are automatically calculated by the system. The system subtracts the previous reading fields from the values in the current reading fields to shows the change for this particular readings record.


These fields are automatically calculated by the system using the values in the Difference fields.

In This Section

Readings Records with Lower Meter Readings

See Also

Sewer Pump Readings

Pump Readings Header Data

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