US/DS Calc Flow (gpd) fields

The calculated flow fields (highlighted in blue below) are based on values entered in the following fields: flow depths, diameters, slopes, and mannings (highlighted in yellow below).

Calc Flow Fields

These highlighted fields are described in the table below:

Field Name


US Flow Depth

DS Flow Depth

The depth of the flow at the time of the isolation test (in inches).

US Diameter

DS Diameter

The diameter of the pipe where the upstream/downstream manhole flow isolation test was performed. The program defaults to the diameter of the first pipe in the pipe list for the US diameter, and the last pipe in the pipe list for the DS diameter.

US Slope %

DS Slope %

The slope of the pipe where the upstream/downstream manhole flow isolation test was performed. The program defaults to the slope from the first pipe in the pipe list for the US slope, and the last pipe in the pipe list for the DS slope.

US Mannings

DS Mannings

The Mannings number of the pipe where the upstream/downstream manhole flow isolation test was performed. The program defaults to the Mannings number from the first pipe in the pipe list for the US Mannings, and the last pipe in the pipe list for the DS Mannings.

US Calc Flow

The flow calculated from the depth measurement using the Mannings equation in gallons per day.

DS Calc Flow

The downstream manhole calculated flow minus the upstream manhole calculated flow in gallons per day.

See Also

Test Details Tab

Meas Flo Diff (gpd) field

Calc Flow Diff (gpd) field

Meas Flow per IDM field

Calc Flow per IDM field