General Tab

The General tab fields allow you to document basic information about the service lateral inspection.  This includes the date the inspection occurred, the direction in which it was performed, the type of inspection performed, and the service lateral attributes. The fields in this tab are described in the table below.  

Field Name



General Location

These fields will be automatically populated by the system if the Service Lateral you chose in the header has this information included in the Service Lateral Inventory module.

Inspection Date

The date and time the inspection occurred

Inspection Crew

The name or initials of the crew that performed the inspection.

Inspect Direction

The direction in which the inspection was performed (from Main to Service or from Service to Main).

Inspection Type

The type of inspection performed (manual, TV, etc.)

Rim to Crown (ft)

The vertical distance in feet measured from the top of the structure to the top of the pipe.

Angled Rim/Inv (ft)

The angled or sloped distance from the top of the structure to the invert or flow line of the pipe.

Angled Offset (in)

The estimated horizontal distance from the center of the structure opening to the pipe invert where the angled rim to invert measurement was taken.

Rim to Inv (ft)

If the rim to crown distance is greater than zero, the program adds the pipe diameter to the rim to crown distance. Or, if the angled rim to invert is greater than zero, the program calculates the invert distance based on the angled rim to invert and offset distance using the Pythagorean theorem. The program will calculate this value when the user hits F5. Otherwise, the user can type in any value desired.

Structure Type

The type of structure located on the service lateral, if applicable. This field is stored in the Service Lateral Inventory table, but is viewable/editable through the Inspection module.

Struct Depth (ft)

The depth of the structure (in feet).

Struct Condition

User-defined pick list to identify the condition of the structure (i.e. broken, collapsed, etc.).

Service Direction

The direction of the service lateral.

Flow Depth (in)

The total depth of liquid and obstructions, in inches, measured to the nearest quarter inch (1/4).

Flow Velocity (fps)

The velocity of the flow at the time of the inspection (in feet per second).

Depos Depth (in)

The approximate depth of the obstructions flowing/settling in the service lateral (in inches).


The type of obstructions observed in the lateral during the inspection.


Recommendations for additional cleaning on the service line.

Maintenance Prior

Any maintenance performed prior to or during the inspection.

Note: The Inspection Date and Inspection Direction are required fields.

See Also

Service Lateral Inspections

Service Lateral Inspection Header Data

Observations Tab

Observations Grid

Custom and Comments