Field Captions

The Field Caption is what appears on the field caption button in the module. This provides quick information about what information should be stored in the field.

Note: Most users may not have access to this feature. See the system administrator for details.

To change a field caption, complete the following steps:

  1. Place the cursor in the field while in View Mode.
  2. Press Ctrl + Right - click. The following window will appear:

  3. Select Field Caption. The Field Caption window allows users to change the field caption title.


  4. Change the field caption title.
  5. Click to save your changes


  6. Click to return to the previous caption title and close the window.


  7. Click to return to the default caption title set by the system administrator.

Note: Users can also change a field caption by clicking on the Caption button.

Note: If the field caption is changed for a shared field, the change will affect the other modules that share the field caption.

See Also

Fields and Field Captions

Field Types

Field Properties

Modifying Code-Description Fields (Pick Lists)

Carry-Over Button

Field Definitions

Global Edit

Tutorial Movies