Year-End Summary Results

The Pavement module has several modules related to budget forecasting.  These modules are centered around the model runs.  The model runs are useful for determining how much budget is actually needed to keep the segment network at a desired condition.  When model runs have been created, the results for all model runs are stored in the Year-End Summary Results grid in the Model Runs module.  For further information on the model runs, please reference the Model Runs help guide. Once you have completed your model runs, corresponding records are created in this module for each model run.  These records compare all segments in the module to all selected segments in the module.

Note:  The data in this module is stored in read-only format.

For information about this module's toolbars click on the corresponding icon below.


Note: Users can view any field definition by right clicking + Ctrl in that field.

Tutorial MovieClick here to access the Year-End Summary Results Tutorial Movie.

To access the Year-End Summary Results module, select Transportation > Pavement > Modeling > Model Result Details > Year-End Summary Results and the following window will appear.

Note: You can use the filter function to narrow the scope of the Year-End Summary Results module.  To access the filter, click the button.

Year End Summary

In This Section

Year-End Summary Results Field Definitions

See Also


Model Runs

Model Setup